
Showing posts from April, 2021

Balanced and unbalanced forces

 1. Read the information here and answer these questions: a. What is a force? b. If you drop a ball, is it at rest or in motion? c. What is strength? 2. Watch the video here and answer: Is a student sitting on a chair an example of balanced or unbalanced forces? 3. Watch Isaac Newton´s discovery and answer: What is gravity?  4. PLay this game to learn important definitions 5. Would you dare to try this experiment ? Or this one with magnets? If you do or try a different one, send pictures or videos to your teacher by e-mail. 6. Go to with this  Game PIN:  03400104. Then play this game  and answer the questions here . You may also find the answers reading here. See the experiment with magnetic force here: 

eTwinning Day - 9th May

Versión karaoke: Nuestra versión: ¿Sabes el nombre de la ciudad donde viven nuestros socios eTwinning? Usa este juego y lo aprenderás. Seremos "la mano inocente" en la lotería eTwinning con premios a repartir entre todo el alumnado y profesorado del centro. El bombo para el profesorado es este:  El bombo para todo el alumnado del centro es este: Y los premios son:

What can they do?

 1. Watch these 10 most unusual vehicles and answer the question "what can they do?" 2. Now watch these 15 coolest machines and say what do they have in common : Now you can play this game . 3. After watching the video   and reading this page , in your notebook: a. Describe a simple machine. b. Draw and write and say the names of 6 simple machines. c. OPTIONAL: Build a small catapult, like this ,  or any other simple machine, and bring it to school or send a picture or video to your teacher. DEADLINE: 29th April. d. Play the Simple machines game. 4. After playing the online game , or this Kahoot with  Game PIN:  05866440 , write in your notebook the answers to the questions in this document. Here you are our simple machines!