1. Play the technology vocabulary game. 2. In your notebook, answer the questions about your mobile phone in this link. 3. Then, answer the questions in this one. 4. Watch the video and answer the question in this link . 5. Watch the video and answer the question in this link , using "do/don´t" 5. Watch the video in this link, then play the game. 6. Answer the questions on this worksheet . 7. Listen to the "Easy to click" poem, and play the game s. 8. Write the answers on this worksheet.
1. Watch the video and answer this question: What´s an ecosystem? 2. Read this article and say the names of different types of ecosystems. 3. Read this article . Draw a picture and write the name of your favorite ecosystem. 4. Play the ecosystem game. 5. Watch this video and say what is a habitat and what do animals need. 6. Watch this video and draw an example of the food chain. Explain what are decomposers. 7. Study with these interactive worksheets. https://es.liveworksheets.com/bv635546iq https://es.liveworksheets.com/tn1089746vo https://es.liveworksheets.com/mb179250jo https://es.liveworksheets.com/aj235171nu 8. Learn about National Parks 9. Play this game. 10. Decomposers game.
1. 20 STEPS CHALLENGE in Spain, Greece, Italy, Austria, and Turkey: Your browser does not support the video tag. 2. THE EARTH HOUR : Switch off your lights for an hour on Saturday, March 27, 2021, at 8:30 pm your local time. Talk to your family and think about what they will do at this hour. There are some ideas here. Share your ideas here. Go to www.menti.com and use the code 66 37 22 1 to add words with your ideas about what to do in the dark Earth Hour. 3. SCAPE ROOM AND TRESURE HUNT Activity shared with pupils from Greece, Italy, Austria, Turkey, and Spain on eTwinning Rob & Me.
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